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Norbert J. Gaillard

Norbert Gaillard Consulting - NG Consulting

Economist & Independent Consultant

He is graduated from Sciences Po Paris and Princeton University. His PhD dissertation, completed in 2008, dealt with sovereign rating methodologies. He has since served as consultant to the IFC, the World Bank, the State of Sonora (Mexico), the OECD, the European Parliament, and various financial services firms. He has also taught at the Graduate Institute (Geneva) and at the University of Geneva. He is a Euromoney Country Risk expert. His main areas of expertise are public debt and sovereign risk, local government debt and subnational risk, credit rating agencies, country risk, and economic forecast.

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Norbert Gaillard ; sovereign risk ; credit ratings ; credit rating agencies ; public debt ; subnational risk ; sovereign ratings , princeton ; économie ; economy ; economist ; économiste consultant

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